Trending Cases: Follow Litigation Making News In Real-Time

In a world that never stops moving, and most especially with a new Presidential Administration and its accompanying changes to national policy and law, keeping track of what is going on beyond the filters of the mainstream media is of great interest to our users.

Accordingly, we have implemented a new feature to the CourtTrax homepage: Trending Cases.

On the Trending Cases page you will find the Case Title and a brief description of what the case involves. For further details, each case has a + button, which will provide links to PDF files of the CourtTrax Case Detail Report of the case’s high-level information, as well as links to the case’s primary filing documents as provided by the court of record.

In addition, you will find links next to each document allowing you to quickly share the information on your Facebook feed, helping you to keep others in your circle informed of what is going on in a case, directly from the source documents.

The top 7 cases making news are posted at any particular time, and the list is revised as events occur. These 7 cases and their accompanying documents are available to any visitor to the CourtTrax site, free of charge. The ability to place a ‘Watch’ on a case – in order to receive notifications to any developments in a case as they happen – is a feature available to registered CourtTrax users.

If you would like to register for a CourtTrax account, or if you have any questions regarding Trending Cases or any of our other services, please contact us at

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