If The Text Is Blue, It’s New For You

We have made a small but useful enhancement to CourtTrax saved searches to more clearly alert our users to the status of their work.

Now, any new search you launch will appear in your saved search list in bright blue text, and will remain so until you review it for the first time. After you click the search for the first time, the text will switch to gray to indicate the name search results or case detail report has been viewed.

Animation of viewed vs. un-viewed searches.

With this simple visual cue you will be able to tell at a glance which searches have and have not been looked at, making the workflow of our users who launch several searches at once that much easier.

We are always looking for ways to improve our services and user experience. If you have any have any suggestions on how we can make CourtTrax even better, please let us know by contacting us at customerservice@courttrax.com.

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