California ‘Sanctuary City’ Laws Upheld by U.S. Court of Appeals

A unanimous decision from a federal appeals court has enforced ‘sanctuary city’ laws in California, rejecting a complaint made by the Trump Administration. The core issue in question was the law in California that prohibits local police and sheriff’s offices from notifying federal authorities of the release dates of inmates who are known to be in the United States illegally.

From The Los Angeles Times:

“The 9th Circuit ruled in our favor today, demonstrating that the rights of states and the 10th Amendment continue to thrive,” [California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra] added.

Grisel Ruiz, staff attorney at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, praised the ruling for rejecting “the federal government’s attempt to force localities into carrying out a hateful and discriminatory agenda.”

“This decision underscores what we’ve always known: Local governments are within their right to limit their involvement with deportations and detention,” he said.

The U.S. Department of Justice did not immediately respond for a request for comment.

The Trump Administration still has the option of seeking a larger panel of the 9th circuit to review the ruling, and as well could seek the laws be over turned by the Supreme Court.

A copy of the 9th Circuit Court’s Opinion can be found HERE.

If you have any questions about court record access in California, the Federal Courts, or you would like to know about CourtTrax’s other products and services, please contact us at 866-643-7084 or

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